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YIP Parsha Project Parshat Behar

05/09/2014 02:24:09 PM


YIP Parsha Project

PARSHAT BEHAR                                                                                Dr. Barry Helprin


This is the Liberty Bell parsha!

Behar introduces a number of mitzvot, laws, prohibitions, and exhortations beginning with the commandment to observe Shmittah in Eretz Yisrael (wherein all land is to lie fallow, after six years of productivity, for the entire 7th year), the parsha follows with a discussion of Yovel (Jubilee), the 50th year after seven 7-year cycles, wherein the land lies fallow, property reverts back to the original owners, and all slaves are set free. Thereafter, topics turn to the redemption of land; houses in a walled city; helping others (including a prohibition against charging interest); slaves; and slaves of non-Jews. A number of questions arise from this presentation. The Rabbis wonder why the Torah specifically mentions Har Sinai (Mount Sinai) with the mitzvah of Shmittah when all 613 mitzvot were given at Har Sinai. Also, what connection do the social laws (slavery, helping the poor, redeeming property on behalf of poor relatives, no interes to be charged, not aggrieving your peer) have with these land-related laws?  

The commentaries tell us that we need to focus on and demonstrate our utter bitachon (confidence; trust) and emunah (faith) in Hashem. Logically, one who hungers after money would never consider letting land have a Shabbat year of its own. In fact, Hashem anticipates this in the parsha and has a ready answer to those who will worry where their next meal will come from: He will provide 3 times the produce in the 6th year to cover the 6th, 7th (when the land lies fallow), and 8th (when the new cycle of growth must take shape). This also defies logic, as one would think the land’s nutrients would be too depleted to supply even a full year’s produce. Hashem reminds us in Behar of his promise to B’nai Yisrael at Har Sinai if they observe Shmittah and Yovel, He will provide our needs. I offer also a personal thought: the Gematria (numerology) for “Behar Sinai” is 337, which is the same as the word “Erusin” (betrothal); just as there are agreements and promises and commitments made at the betrothal of a chatan and kallah with the essence of Torah as a foundation, so too does Hashem make an agreement, promise , and commitment to provide for us as we commit to Him and to keeping his statutes.

As for the Liberty Bell connection, there is section of a pasuk from this parsha the is etched onto the Liberty Bell: “proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all inhabitants thereof” (Lev. Ch 25, v 10). Our Sages state (Rosh Hashanah 9b0 that the word translated as liberty is “Dror” and they see it as being related to the word “Dirah” (dwelling). R’ Yehudah notes that liberty means that one can dwell in any dwelling place and transports (“moveel”, perhaps a connection to Yovel?) his merchandise in any land, being a true free person who goes and does as he/she chooses. It is noteworthy that this pasuk talks of the yovel year when all slaves go free. Had our Founding Fathers learned with a Torah Scholar, they would have focused earlier and more emphatically on the part of the pasuk that calls for the end of all slavery and the history of our country might have been vastly different from that point on.

May the message of Behar, that we live our lives with respect for people and respect for property, help us to emulate Hashem and elevate His Torah.

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