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YIP Parsha Project Parshat Bo

01/03/2014 12:36:24 PM


YIP Parsha Project

“BO”                                                                             The GEVERTZMAN family


In Parshas “BO”, we learn about the final three plagues which occur prior to our leaving Egypt.  As we all know, Hashem is normally merciful to all of His creations, yet now has acted just the opposite towards the Egyptians, afflicting them with indescribable suffering!  Hashem was acting solely out of His love for the Jewish nation.  Just as a gentle and loving parent will react violently should their children be threatened, Hashem demonstrated his intense love for his people at this time, after their decades of suffering from the Egyptians.

This Parsha begins with Moshe and Aharon forewarning Pharaoh about the eighth, and next plague to be inflicted upon Egypt, namely locusts. Over the past decades Hashem had blessed the land of Egypt to prosper with vast produce throughout its boundaries. However, every blessing demands some responsibility, and Egypt squandered this with its worship of idols. When Pharaoh refused Moshe Rabeinu’s request to allow the Jewish people to leave, Hashem struck Egypt with swarms of locusts, devastating its great and rich bounty. As the saying goes, “the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away”. Egypt’s produce was decimated, they were no longer a super power, and yet Pharaoh still would not release the Jewish nation.

The final two plagues, Darkness, and Death of the First Born, complete the story. Pharaoh eventually allows the Jews to depart Egypt, and we are instructed to recount the story of our exodus to all future generations. As we relate the story at each Pesach seder, we encourage even the child who “…does not know how to ask”, to ask questions, and openly communicate with us.  We then, as parents, must therefore develop an open dialogue with All of our children, and not just those who have always maintained an interest in Torah study. Then, if we are able to find a way to relate to their interests, we might teach them that the Torah has answers to their questions, and we can then welcome them back into the Torah’s value system.

132 Southern Parkway Plainview, NY 11803
Phone: (516) 433-4811
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Rabbi: Elie Weissman    ~    President: Brian Berns

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